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All most all tour packages, including those by Rajasthan Tourism have Mount Abu as one of the most significant destinations to be covered. A little into the background Myths and Legends - The history of Mount Abu can be traced back to the Puranas. Known as “Arbudaranya” or “the forest of Arbhuda” in the Puranic Age, Mount Abu is described to have served as a retreat for Sage Vashistha, following his spur with Sage Vishwamitra.

A popular mythology story associated with Mount Abu mentions a serpent named Arbhuda, who had saved the life of Nandi, Lord Shiva’s mount, here. The name “Mount Abu” is a diminutive of its original name which was kept after Arbhuda.Another legend suggests that Sage Vashistha had performed a yajna at the peak of this very mountain range, seeking provision for the defence of righteousness on earth, from the Gods. His prayer was answered by a youth who sprang out of the yajna fire, known to be the first of the Agnivamsha Rajputs.

History of Mount Abu Arbhuda Mountains or Mount Abu is also popular for having been the home of Gurjaras. Multiple inscriptions including Dhanpala’s “Tilakmanajari” lay stress on the association of this place with that of Gurjaras.